Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas gifts visited...

Okay, recap of Christmas gifts and spending of gifts.  Bear with me, I am manic over this stuff.

Thank you mom and dad for gift cards to Hobby Lobby!!!
 Got this idea from a friends Pinterest page...  Canvas and wooden letters painted the same color.  It was supposed to have Christmas lights back lighting it, but I put the paint on so thick the lights were useless.
 And I edged it with leftover diamond ribbon.

 Fell in love with these Cookie Monster colored pillows, 50% off at Hobby Lobby so $15 each!!!
And they're soft!!!
 Got the awesome Roscoe sign from B's parents, LOVE IT!!!  And I FINALLY got my prints from our Christmas pics, better late than never, right?  Got the great frame at Hobby Lobby, GIFT CARDS ROCK!!!
Just showing the 8x10's I got FINALLY!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sometimes you just gotta...

Keep Christmas ornaments on display.

Okay, I know it's only 3 PM on Christmas day, but the tree now only holds ribbon and will be down after the kids go to bed.  I've been decorated since just after Thanksgiving, and with the early arrival of Ronin almost 2 years ago, I now like all Christmas gone by the 26th to ensure pure birthday celebration for the lil man.

But as several of you know, Ro is represented in my heart by the snowflake (due to the weather conditions under which he was born), so for his birthday, I do keep some ornaments up as birthday decorations.  But then there are ornaments that are just beautiful, or artsy, or allow you to bring art from the ceiling...  I have plenty of that in my house.

 My Starbucks ornaments (and cute hand ornament Ivan made at school) in my coffee-less coffee bar area...
 I got 4 more from my mom this year.  They are a special collection bought by my mother and a former co worker, Erik Sheldrake.  I love them!  They stay up year round.
 These WERE going to be my Xmas color this year until I found brighter colored ones I forgot I bought last year.  But these colors just happen to match the classic Mickey colors of Ro's birthday.
 Seriously, Dollar Tree, I love you.  This is a plastic...  PLASTIC bowl!  So pretty with ornaments.
 My Victorian inspired ornaments I just got at Home Goods which will stay up.
 The absolutely adorable plane ornament my mom got Ivan, which will stay in his room.  I mean a plane...  Glitter...  What is NOT to love?
 Some of the ornaments that stayed up for Ro's birthday last year are decorative art in the guest room.
 The original ornaments...
 I got these from a Providence Festival of Trees one year when Corporate Express bought the tree.  I loved the classic robots so much, I could not bear to put them away.  So I bought shadow boxes and hung them in my old office.  Then when CE got bought out and I became stay at home, they became decorations in Ro's room.
 My mom got Ro this adorable Mickey ornament this year, this is his special bday shelf, Mickey will go to Ro's room, the bowl will be packed up for next year after Ro's party.
My other ornaments.  They are put up now, but look how pretty!!!

I think my goal for next year is to have a 9 foot tree and make salt dough ornaments for ALL the holidays.  Baby steps, I will make ornaments EVERY holiday between now and then, and the collection should turn out pretty darn sweet, fingers crossed.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Xmas Baking Day 1

I have 2 fire teams to bake for, this is day 1...  I'll probably bake more this weekend.

 Really, Rolo...  No just Rolo packages at Wal Mart?
 Fine, I'll pick them out.
 Rolo Turtles anyone?

 Non pecan ones for my hubby.
 Pumpkin choco chip cookies, SO SOFT!!!
 My mixing bowl and blade were in the dishwasher, so I decided to hand mix...  CRAZY!!!

 Yummiest sugar cookie recipe EVER!!!  I just think they're ugly...  BUT YUMMY!!!  I'll try better next time, I SWEAR!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Misc Updates

 B's old bachelor end table got stickered and written on.  That's what I get for having it in the play area, but it was Ivan spelling his brothers name, so...  I got some vinyl for under $3.99 and covered it.
 It's fun.
 Fun lil table.
 Finished off the Hobby Lobby gift card my mom got me.
 MY OWL WAS 50% OFF!!!
 Michaels had more ornament hangers in stock this week, yay!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My new Grenadine red table!!!

 Pulled off the hardware, nailed down the opening end because the boys blew it up.  The key lime did NOT last due to it was not gloss (my bad) and Ro thought crayon on the table would be awesome (not so much).
 Coat one...
 Coat two...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I LOVE IT!!!  And Abby wants to buy it for her mom and have me make her one, YAY!!!  It was WAY cooler than the ones they sell at JCP.  That is a WHOLE skein of yarn!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Dear Evora and Novella...


My friend Sunshine is having a rough time.  She had the Ninja Twins a bit early and they're still in NICU, so between trying to recover from a c-section, being a mother to Lotus who is 2, and having to go back and forth from the hospital to see the twins and drop off milk...  Well, I know her hubby Dan will take care of her, but I can help, too.

Beer cheese soup, mac and cheese, biscuits, and mini Key Lime pies.