Monday, August 20, 2012

My sexy black doors...

So a little over a year ago, I painted my railing and railing cap black to keep from footprint and fingerprints from the boys.  And then on Pinterest I see pictures of all these sexy gloss black interior doors with the nice, crisp white trim.  And let's face it, white sucks!  It sucks with kids, dust, kids...  Kids...  And gloss black is SEXY!!!  It's black...  It's glossy...  And the idea of using a Swiffer over a Mr Clean Magic Eraser is, well, SEXY!!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!  So today I started the downstairs.  Of course, in true Shana style, there will be more.  Much, much more...
 I painted the back of the front doors last Spring because of filthy little fingerprints.
 Coat closet before...
 Laundry room door before (there's chalkboard paint on the garage door).
 Bathroom door before...
 A reminder of the railing...
 First coat...
 Second coat, DONE!!!
 Close up!!!
 Downstairs linen closet door (yes, downstairs...  I have a walk in one upstairs.  So this is really my craft closet).
 Laundry room door DONE!!!
Bathroom door DONE!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Today's project...

I...  Hate...  Heights!!!

I'd like them better if I was sure footed, so like high places like skyscrapers or bridges, I do well with.  But ladders?  YOWZAS!!!  But I did some painting and decorating today...  I like it...  It brings something to that wall...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Holy Moly!!!

It has been so long since I've posted here, I forgot my email address to log in with.  OOPS!!!

The boys and I were gone for a month visiting Seattle and Portland, and though I got a handful of creativity out, I still took time out from that and even working out.  I needed that break, but now I am ready to get back into the game.

I have been painting, and plan to paint some more.  I redid the coffee bar to create a better, more neutral space.  And I really do love Studio Taupe so much, I'm going to bring more of it to the house.  It took me a long time to find the perfect taupe, I am not about to let it go.

I also moved some of my art and belongings around to make the family room more mature, and the front room completely a play area for the boys.

There is more to come!

 Moved the African pieces and horns into the family room to create an adult themed room.  No more kids stuff in here!!!  I even have decorative stuff in the niche on the right, my kids are growing up and I can do this now!
 Painted the bar and niche the taupe, and also along the ceiling line some to match the niche ceilings.
 The front room is now the boys.  One day it will be where they do homework.
 Moved paintings to the stairway.
 Family wall upstairs.
 Now what to do with my Starbucks ornaments?  Hmmm...  Bought a shadow box...
 And an awesomely printed piece of plastic...
 All my ornaments...
 I thought the shadow box could bring the coffee bar together with the sports jerseys...
 This is a slide topped shadow box, where you can collect random things you come up with like movie tickets and corks, sort of a cool invention!!!
 The tape from the display sheet that came with the frame did not completely come off, so I used a piece of brown paper as a background...
 Looks like the wall, huh?
 Plan A did not work...
 So how about plan B?
 And now it hangs under the cool mirror I made with recycled magazines!
The simple, revamped coffee bar.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What have I been making?

OH GOODNESS!!!  I have been busy crafting, and I LOVE IT!!!  Bring it on, baby!!!
 Repainted my kitchen island...
 Made 1...
 3+4 canopies for friend's daughters.
 Made these for my friend Heather in Oklahoma.
Turned the boy's artwork into necklaces.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I started my Etsy page with a couple things thus far...

I will add more, but look, I have been crafting!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My craft closet...

I am blessed with 2, YES TWO linen closets.  One in the laundry room, and a WALK IN CLOSET in my master WITH ITS OWN LIGHT!!!  But all the linens fit in my closet upstairs, so I turned the one on the laundry room into my craft closet.  And I made this today using a pic of the said craft closet.

I'm really going to pin it onto Pinterest and see how many people think it's cool.  HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

B helps make a home, too!!!

I was lucky to receive a well trained bachelor for a hubby!!!  Tonight he made an elk roast in the Crock Pot with veggies and he made his own gravy.  It was yummy!!!

Okay, wacky wall is done.

With the heart frame set up of last night, I had to redo the teeny skinny wall, and here it is.

I made the sign, can you tell?

Sunday, February 26, 2012


So as it usually goes, I have rearranged, which means I have an empty space I need to fill, so what will be my next project?  Hmmm...  No matter, here is what I did tonight!!!

 I moved these from my "game area."  See the undulate painting is gone?  My friend Davida made the mistake of telling me she liked it...  So it went home with her.
 Blank canvas.
 Tons of pictures.
 That's the latest empty space I need to fill...  I found a cool quote about brothers that may need to be placed there...
 Uh oh...  Wrapping paper time!!!
 Do you see it?  No?  HAHAHAHA!!!
 I don't need the grid, I just need a heart shape.  So I took a Sharpie and drew one out.
 Started hanging the pictures...
And then filled in the heart.  What do you think?